Nepathya for Hunger Free Campaign

Happening Issue 69 Jul, 2010
Text by Dinesh Rai

Music has forever been the medium for passing down a message. In ancient times, various tribes used drums to transmit important messages. Today, with media playing the most important role when it comes to communicating ideas, what better way to have your say than by singing for a cause. Nepathya did just that, by putting up ‘Nepathya for Hunger Free Campaign’ initiated by Action Aid. Within two weeks there were concerts organized worldwide to bring awareness among people that ‘there are many starving around the globe while there is food going to waste, where there is plenty.’ Nepathya was chose for Nepal.

The BICC hall came alive with the presence of Nepathya. Their solid sound and Amrit Gurung’s rapport with the audience brought the crowd to its feet. Screams and shouts for more were heard throughout the performance. The audience loved every minute of it and knew the words to all the songs. Their folk rock touches the hearts of Nepali people as Nepali folk is still the most popular genre and the power of rock gives it the right punch. It’s a powerful combination and when you have a message to deliver, the formula works wonders. There were people dancing everywhere and some even managed to dodge security and reach the stage.

Starting with their popular songs, Amrit launched into “Bhedako Oonjasto” which brought the house down. And their even more popular “Chekyo Chekyo” had the youngsters going crazy. Some of them probably grew up listening to such nostalgic hits. Amrit knows how to work up a crowd and when every now and then he talked on social issues touching on the injustices, the audience was right behind him shouting their approval. Gone are the days when the government censored what was sung or said on stage. But it was all about abolishing hunger from planet earth. 

