Editorial . January . 2015

As we step into another new year, and look forward to everything that it shall bring, we would like to remember the yesteryears as well. We have compiled memoirs from various writers, who talk about an item from the past, one that they closely associate with their days growing up but are no longer common or as much a part of life today. These items not only inspire nostalgia but also speak of a part of the Nepali Way that is perhaps a part of the past. We hope you enjoy this collection that features as our cover story.

Our photo story for this issue is a gallery of skies captured from various locations and during different points in time. These photos will surely evoke wonder and remind us once again about nature’s beauty, one that is right above us, all the time.

Also in this issue, is a recollection of the first sighting of a red panda by a conservationist along with a travelogue from a driving trip from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

We would also like to invite you to visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ecsnepal for our regular updates.
Lastly, happy reading and Happy New Year 2015!

