Table of Contents

Issue 131 | October 2012

All in a Day's Write

writ·er [rahy-ter] noun. a person engaged in writingbooks, articles, stories, etc., especially as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist. What does it mean to be a writer,...

Feel your ears

Feel your ears

With the growing popularity of social media one can see how people everywhere, including Nepal, are beginning to organize themselves. Whether it is to win the Miss World competition or...

Kahi Nabhayeko Jatra

Kahi Nabhayeko Jatra

With roots in mythology, Hadigaun’s jatra is the identity of the quaint town today. A very long time back in Hadigaun, a woman in labor pain was calling out...

Transpiring backstage

Transpiring backstage

Gurkul is going through a transformation and its more than about their its new location. Sunil Pokharel is having a déjà vu. “Yet again we are going through the...

The Nepali  Queue

The Nepali Queue

The Nepali way of lining up for things is as unique as anything else in Nepal. Nepalis have always been known for their laidback attitude. This is believed...

Defining Dashain

Defining Dashain

Has the trend of blessing your juniors persisted over the years or has Dashain turned into a mere formality? When did you last buy new clothes? The answer to that...

A scientific feast

A scientific feast

The Newar bhwaye is everyone's favorite but how exactly is it scientific?I have a chronic case of acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease if I want to sound all technical...

Rainbow City: A mural art project in Kathmandu and by Kathmandu

Everyone is talking about the Rainbow City, a mural art project at Krishna Galli, near Patan Dokha. A glance at this huge mural approximately 20 feet by 25 feet in...

A tale of two gompas

A tale of two gompas

Most people travel the barren wind-swept road to Muktinath in Nepal’s Mustang region for one of two reasons: trekking around its peaks and passes or going as a Hindu pilgrim...

Manaslu: Monsoon

Manaslu: Monsoon

Turning with the Budi Gandaki, surrendering our ears to its peremptory roar for over one and a half days, we came suddenly to a place where the river seemed to...

Brick by brick

Brick by brick

Over time, and a number of earthquakes, Patan has gathered a residential sprawl that is reflective of various years in history. Four personal endeavors to preserve some essence of that...