Table of Contents

Issue 105 | August 2010

A Faithful Restoration

The walk up the hill to the Swayambhunath caitya from Chhauni is popular amongst locals on this side of the city. Past the Army Head Quarters and the Chhauni museum,...

Jai Gorakhnath!

Jai Gorakhnath!

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Vipassana For Inner Harmony

Vipassana For Inner Harmony

Observing my fellow travelers inside the microbus heading towards Dharmashringa, I sensed a multitude of emotions. Some conveyed excitement, cheerfulness and curiosity, while others looked apprehensive and nervous. We were...

Juju Dhau: King Yoghurt

Juju Dhau: King Yoghurt

A cool breezy evening, a gathering of close friends and family, a Newari feast. You are welcomed into the courtyard with smiles and pleasantries. You are beseeched to sit, make...

The Hermit

The Hermit

The intriguing painting of a belly-protruding Mahadev I have seen Indian soldiers patrolling the area around my house in 2017 BS (1961),” he says. “That was when the...

Creativity, In Bubbles. Do You Have It?

"Creativity is not the production of the best idea for a given problem or dilemma. Rather, creativity is the generation of lots and lots of ideas.” (Anthony D. Fredericks, in...

Celebrating Swayambhu Restoration

Celebrating Swayambhu Restoration

Fast forward to the future heritage conservation challenges In 1912 AD, the Swayambhu Maha Chaitya was restored with financial support to the tune of Rs.75, 000 from Dharma Man...

Infant Mortality

Infant Mortality

As you go past the Rani Pokhari (Queen’s Pond) at the heart of Kathmandu, you will notice a family of three on elephant back at the southern end. The stone...



Nestled in the hills of Sakhu, northeast to Kathmandu, Bajrayogini, also known as Gum Bihar, is a famous tantric temple. It is reputed to shower devotees with it’s great power...

Colorful Roundels and Beads

Colorful Roundels and Beads

W hite a color of purity, black an absence, red synonymous with life while yellow and green symbolize intellect and harmony. These intriguing colors are the elements of roundels and...