The Connecting Pond

Where am I Issue 208 Mar, 2019
Text by Apeksha Ghimire

This small pond, which historically has had no cultural significance as such, lies at the center of a concrete jungle, in close proximity of City Center, the Russian Center for Science and Culture, and Krishna Bakery. From young students to middle aged office workers to the elderly, you will see people of all ages sitting in the benches or the stairway having all kinds of conversations.

For so long humans have had a close relationship with nature and now, in the digital era, we are the most distant we have probably ever been. The yearning to be around nature is rooted deep inside us. Hence, this pond has become significant as a connector of humanity and nature.

I especially enjoy sitting there on a winter’s day, basking in the afternoon sun while talking to friends. We like to eat spicy lafing from the stall at City Center nearby and a wide variety of titaura. The noise from the vehicles on the road is easily ignored all thanks to the undeniable hypnotic beauty of the slow, twinkling waves. Its soothing nature elevates the topics of our conversations from chit chat to heartfelt talks that bring us closer.
